Worn and Torn
By Greg Currie
May 14, 2005

This song has a country/western theme to the sound and takes images from urban Wicca.


Worn and torn
G               D   C
By the city and the street
Wear does a Pagan soul rest
     D                 G
When Green turns to concrete?          
Of a noble breed 
Whose brave new world is complete
Only to find their freedom
Is a shackle on their feet
A pale chalk circle
On a worn apartment floor
Marks a defiant boundary
And opens wide a sacred door 
She holds aloft now
A chalice from a second hand store
Drawing down a little moonlight
From the gods that she adores
An old song's sung
Air, Fire, Water, and of Earth
Raise a cone of power
From a divine well of rebirth
Worn and torn
By the city and the street
Wear does a Pagan soul rest
When Green turns to concrete?


Audio recording made Spring 2010 in Ottawa, Ontario at an informal bardic night.
©2010 Greg Currie. Produced here with permission of the author.